Add on services to allow booking multiple services at once

Basically any service can be used as an add on to any other service.

That will allow them to be added on when booking the "primary" one.

It's at the bottom of any service you are adding.

It looks like this.  There are two sections,  services to add on to the service you are editing, and other services that have the services you are editing.  These are two views of the same data for convenience depending on what you are doing, see How to change add-on prices in one place

And here's how it works when adding a booking.  You just tick the add ons you want

And it's all totalled on the right.

You can also make services "Add on only" (a toggle at the top of the service page).

This means they can't be selected as a  primary service, and can only be added on to the services you've chosen them to be available on, for example for "Extra Photos", in which case you might want to set a maximum quantity.  Setting that will change the toggle add on to one with an adjustable count when creating a booking.  .

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